Course Descriptions
ART 220 - Painting II
3 Credits
This course expands upon the foundation established in Painting I. Increased emphasis will be placed on experimentation, the expressive potentials of the medium, and on developing a perspective on the relationship between the formal techniques and the conceptual aspects of painting. Participation in individual and group critiques of work produced during the course is expected. Students are responsible for purchasing their own materials.
Prerequisite: ART 120 or permission of instructor.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an expanded proficiency with color theory, form, value, surface treatment, space, and composition through extended practice in the medium.
2. Demonstrate personal creative approaches to painting through the exploration of a variety of forms of visual expression.
3. Utilize an expanded range of painting materials and tools.
4. Refine approaches to the analysis and evaluation of one’s own work and the work of others through verbal dialog and written interpretation
5. Demonstrate through the successful completion of paintings, an understanding of the relationship between the formal elements and principles of art, and subject matter and content.
6. Exhibit knowledge of safe practices in the painting studio
7. Demonstrate an awareness of historical precedents and contemporary trends in painting through individual research and the critical analysis of artwork
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025