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Course Descriptions

GEG 239 - Capstone in Geospatial Technology

2 Credits

The capstone is a learning experience resulting in a consolidation of a student's educational experience and certifies mastery of entry level workplace geospatial technician competencies unique to western New York’s GIST market. The capstone experience should occur towards the last semester of the student's educational program. Methods of the capstone experience include: a final learning experience that allows a student to apply broad knowledge of the discipline; a comprehensive examination prepared by the faculty of the geospatial education program; and a course involving simulation of the workplace (mobile GIS), case studies, service learning, internships, or employment scenarios. Students will develop a personal GIS portfolio highlighting their Capstone experience that provides evidence of their geospatial competency, and will learn how to compile, analyze, and present geospatial data while emphasizing the value of visual communication.

Prerequisites: GEG 101, GEG 130, GEG 131, and GEG 133, all with a grade of C or higher. Co-Requisite GEG230.

MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Synthesize knowledge and skills across geospatial disciplines to address a research question
2. Describe standard professional practices and organizations.
3. Conduct field work using mobile GIS.
4. Manage and organize a geospatial project.
5. Compile geospatial data.
6. Analyze geospatial data with appropriate methodology.
7. Deliver an effective presentation explaining geospatial results.
8. Communicate results with clarity.
9. Engage in self-assessment and analysis.
10. Produce maps that effectively communicate quantitative and qualitative geographic data.
11. Design professional quality maps that use cartographic principles.
12. Demonstrate basic proficiency in map creation and design principles, including thematic map display and employment of map projections.

Course Offered Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025