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Course Descriptions

PLE 234 - Defensive Tactics Instructor

4 Credits

This course is designed to develop specialized content knowledge for New York State Bureau of Municipal Police certified General Topics Instructors. The course focuses on the continuum of force which law enforcement officers may employ in restraining and arresting an individual. Topics to be explored include the law and policy on the use of force, the defensive tactics system, stimulus response training, levels of force/restraint on the continuum, verbal and physical techniques and safety considerations and techniques. The course will include both instructional and performance components. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive specialty certification by the New York State Bureau of Municipal Police as a Defensive Tactics Instructor. Must be a Peace or Police Officer.

Prerequisite: PLE 220.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Meet mandated requirements as prescribed by NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services.
2. Apply and demonstrate an understanding of the Use of Force Continuum.
3. Demonstrate and apply defensive tactics movements and concepts.
4. Evaluate levels of force on the continuum, verbal and physical techniques and safety considerations.

Course Offered Fall

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025