Course Descriptions
PLS 264 - Administrative Law
1 Credit
This course introduces students to a rapidly expanding area of law. Students will learn how and why administrative agencies are created, how they establish rules, and how they investigate and enforce those rules. Students will also learn how to assist clients to obtain benefits under some administrative agencies, how to fill out administrative agencies' forms, and how to challenge administrative agencies' decisions. Some administrative agencies, including the Social Security Administration, permit non-attorney representatives, including paralegals, to represent clients. Federal and New York administrative agencies are covered.
Prerquisite/Corequisite(s): Successful completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, PLS 260- Introduction to Paralegal Studies and PLS 266- Legal Research and Writing; or permission from the program director.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain how and why administrative agencies are created.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the powers exercised by administrative agencies and some limitations on those powers.
3. Describe the government functions performed by administrative agencies.
4. Explain how administrative agencies establish and enforce rules.
5. Explain the primary responsibilities of paralegals in performing administrative agencies’ tasks.
6. Predict what to anticipate as a paralegal when working with administrative agencies.
7. Identify opportunities for paralegals in the area of administrative law, federal and state agencies.
8. Define the differences in function and procedure among trial courts, appellate courts, and administrative hearings.
Course Offered Fall
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025