Course Descriptions
MMP 152 - Automotive Electrical I
3 Credits
A study of basic automotive electricity including Ohms law, circuit analysis, meter usage, discrete solid state components, magnetic induction, motor principles, and wire repair.
MMP 151 with a grade of C or higher.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe electrical theory.
2. Describe electrical circuits.
3. Measure electrical circuits using electrical test equipment.
4. Repair electrical circuits.
5. Apply Ohm’s Law to automotive electrical circuits.
6. Apply Kirchhoff’s Laws to automotive electrical circuits.
7. Describe basic motor theory.
8. Explain how magnetism is used to control electrical systems.
9. Describe circuit safety devices.
10. Diagnose circuit safety devices.
11. Repair circuit safety devices.
12. Diagnose basic circuit semiconductors.
13. Repair basic circuit semiconductors.
Course Offered Fall, Spring, Summer, Intersession
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025