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Course Descriptions

DAS 105 - DART Specialty Dentistry

2 Credits

This course will focus on the didactic background and skill required for treatment procedures specific to a variety of dental specialty practices. Lecture topics will include dental specialty treatment procedures, instrumentation and armamentarium for specialty treatment, patient education, pre and post- operative instruction, patient management techniques and the role and responsibility of the dental assistant in each specialty practice. Laboratory practice will focus on application of didactic knowledge to the practice of competency skills including expanded functions that support and deliver patient treatment in the dental specialties. A minimum of 150 Hours of Dental Specialty Clinical Experience required.

Corequisite(s): DAS 100

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the scope of practice of each dental specialty practice.
2. Describe the specific treatment procedures related to each dental specialty practice.
3. Describe the dental materials and manipulation procedures utilized in each of the dental specialty practice settings.
4. Describe patient management and safety techniques utilized in each dental specialty practice.
5. Describe patient education practices and procedures utilized in each dental specialty practice.
6. Describe the role of the dental assistant in each dental specialty practice.
7. Demonstrate the legally delegated expanded functions specified in the NYS law and regulations for a Registered Dental Assistant in each dental specialty practice.
8. Describe the interrelationship between and integration of each dental specialty practice with and into general dentistry practice.
9. Describe infection control procedures within each dental specialty practice.

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025