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Course Descriptions

CIT 122 - Construction I: Elements of Building Construction

4 Credits

The study of the materials, methods and techniques used in building construction projects. The course will cover the construction process from idea conception to project closeout, including building and material codes, materials and methods, material quantity surveys, and construction procedures. Primary emphasis will be on structural steel, reinforced concrete, masonry, wood, and combined structural systems. Also included will be building exterior and interior finishing systems. The laboratory includes a study of the methods and techniques used in blueprint reading for building construction. It will cover the use of construction drawings, scales, orthographic views, symbols, sections, and graphical interpretation, specific to the building construction industry to include structural steel detailing, reinforced concrete detailing, masonry sections, wood sections, and schedules for interior finishes and accessories.

Prerequisite/corequisite: MTH 135 or MTH 152

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Find and apply the applicable building codes for Commercial and Industrial construction.
2. Define and explain the different methods and materials used in building construction.
3. Outline the construction process for building construction.
4. Select appropriate construction materials from the specifications submitted.
5. Perform a quantity survey for the materials selected, and compile and quantity list.
6. Interpret construction drawings.
7. Research new materials and explain the construction methods.
8. Analyze labor productivity and estimate quantities for construction materials.

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025