Course Descriptions
DEN 114 - Dental Hygiene I
2 Credits
An introduction to dental and dental hygiene practice; basic concepts, methods, materials, and techniques of dental hygiene care.
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe ergonomic principles related to the practice of dental hygiene.
2. Identify the principles of instrument design.
3. Identify oral soft and hard deposits.
4. Describe the characteristics of a thorough oral facial examination.
5. Contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy gingiva.
6. Collect and record client histories. .
7. Describe medical conditions relevant to dental practice.
8. Describe the American Heart Association (AHA) recommendation for antibotic premedication.
9. Identify the potential for medical emergencies in the dental practice.
10. Identify and record common dental restorations and materials.
11. Utilize various patient case studies to assess medical conditions and oral self-care needs.
Course Offered Fall
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025