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Course Descriptions

HVA 209 - Refrigerant Technology

1 Credit

A thorough understanding of the various refrigerant types are necessary for the heating, ventilating and air conditioning service technician. This short course will explore CFC's, HFC's, HCFC's and the refrigerant retrofit procedures necessary in today's changing energy field.

Prerequisites: HVA 101, HVA 102, HVA 104 or permission of department.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the characteristics of Carbon, Florine and Chlorine (CFC) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
2. Identify the use of Carbon, Florine and Chlorine (CFC) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
3. Identify the characteristics of Hydrogen, Florine and Carbon (HCF) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
4. Identify the use of Hydrogen, Florine and Carbon (HCF) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
5. Identify the characteristics of Hydrogen, Carbon, Florine and Chlorine (HCFC) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
6. Identify the use of Hydrogen, Carbon, Florine and Chlorine (HCFC) chemicals in the HVAC/r industry.
7. Demonstrate replacing or retrofitting refrigerants (Hotshot, Hotshot II) such as CFCs, HFCs, or HCFCs in the HVAC/r industry.
8. Describe the effects to the environment from use of refrigerants such as CFCs, HFCs, or HCFCs.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025