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Course Descriptions

ELT 202 - Pulse and Digital Circuits

4 Credits

This course covers pulse waveforms, linear circuit responses and switching circuit analysis, pulse-shaping and pulse-generating circuits, flip-flops, one-shots, registers and counters. Different IC logic family characteristics (TTL, NMOS, ECL, CMOS, LVT) will be analyzed and compared. An integral study and analysis of the circuits used when interfacing the different types of IC logic families will be covered. There will be an in-depth analysis and practical applications of the various digital number systems and codes. Arithmetic manipulation of signed and unsigned binary numbers will be also covered. An introduction to the 8-bit microcomputer architecture will be presented. The student will perform computer analysis of digital circuits using the “Electronics Workbench Multisim” software. By means of a Capstone design project, this course offers an integrated learning experience that was designed to give the students a hands-on, real world engineering problem solving experience. Students will design, build, troubleshoot, demonstrate and present a digital capstone design project. Several laboratory experiments throughout the semester will require formal written reports.

Prerequisites: ELT 102 and ELT 112 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the proper use of digital signal measurements using the Oscilloscope.
2. Use a pulse generator for a given set of waveform parameters.
3. Analyze high-pass, low-pass, or band-pass filters.
4. Design the operation of a complex digital system using discrete digital ICs.
5. Complete the construction of a complex digital system using discrete digital ICs from start to finish, which may include the steps of design, building, testing, and demonstration of the system.
6. Identify faults in digital circuits using proper troubleshooting tools and techniques.
7. Identify the appropriate parameters used by the TTL logic family and its sub-families given a specific application.
8. Apply the appropriate parameters used by the TTL logic family and its sub-families given a specific application.
9. Communicate in an effective oral presentation the technical content of a digital design, which may include PowerPoint delivery.
10. Communicate through effective technical writing the process and the results of the digital design, which may include its construction, troubleshooting issues, or the demonstration of the final integrated digital system.
11. Identify appropriate technical literature in the process of designing and/or solving technical problems.
12. Use appropriate technical literature in the process of designing and/or solving technical problems.
13. Submit work promptly as directed.
14. Work effectively on a team by collaborating with other team members.

Course Offered Fall

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Fall Semester 2025
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